Seasoned, strategic and compassionate advocacy for your immigration dreams.

Zealously Defending Clients In Immigration Court

If you have received notice that you are required to appear for an immigration court hearing, you should consult with an immigration attorney who can help you prepare for the proceeding. It is crucial that you handle all dealings with the immigration court correctly the first time in order to protect your legal rights and any petitions you may make to stay in the country legally.

The responses you give in immigration court can affect your immigration status.

It is crucial to hire a knowledgeable attorney who can ensure that your answers do not result in waiving your right to challenge the most critical parts of your case. Contact the Law Office of Amie D. Miller in San Francisco, California, today to learn more about how I can help you protect your status in immigration court.

As a lawyer who is certified by The State Bar of California as a Specialist in Immigration and Nationality Law, I have the tools, knowledge and experience to take on even the most difficult immigration court cases.

Immigration Court: Master Calendar

At the Master Calendar, the Immigration Judge reviews the Notice to Appear — the document that lists the charges against the immigrant and the provisions of law that make the immigrant removable. If the applicant is eligible to apply for relief in court, the Immigration Judge sets a deadline for the application, supporting documents and a date to present the full case.

Immigration Court: Individual Hearing

At the individual hearing, the full case is presented. We will brainstorm together the best strategy to construct a strong case in your favor. This may include your testimony, presenting evidence, witnesses and anything else that may be appropriate. The government will cross-examine your testimony and present their own witnesses and evidence. The judge will then issue a decision.

It is critical to appear on time for your scheduled hearing or the judge can order you removed in your absence.

Immigration Court: Nondetained Cases

The San Francisco Immigration Court for nondetained cases is located at:

100 Montgomery Street
Suite 800 (floor and courtroom is on the notice)
San Francisco, California 94104

Immigration Court: Detained Cases

The San Francisco Immigration Court for detained (in immigration custody) cases is located at:

630 Sansome Street
Fourth Floor (Check notice for floor and courtroom number)
San Francisco, California 94111

Contact My San Francisco Law Office Today

If you have received a Notice to Appear at an immigration court, contact my office before you take further action. At my firm, I can help you review your case and represent you in immigration court with an eye toward protecting your rights and future interests. I look forward to working with you if you are seeking asylum, are pursuing a deportation appeal or need skilled experience for any other type of immigration matter.

Call today at 415-362-8602, or complete a brief online form to schedule your in-person or online video consultation.